Recovery runs and crazy golf
Feb 17, 2022
Early morning Yoga is starting to feel like a routine. Although today we had to sprint and zig zag across the hotel lawn to avoid the sprinklers which was hilarious!
We were straight out then for the first run of the day. A 60 minute recovery run, taking it easy in preparation for the big event of the day, the Crazy Golf.
The Crazy Golf had apparently been refurbished during Covid and it was a great course of 18 holes. The scoring was the least number of puts per hole, then totalled. It was very close, and some really demonstrated awesome golfing prowess! Apparently one lady had even had lessons in preparation!
Here we have the winning Team
After the golf we headed to the Marina for lunch. The sun continues to shine, and the friendships continue to grow.
4 o’clock came around quite quickly and we were then back in our running gear and ready for another practical session led by Jenny. We were shown how to work on our Thoracic spine using a towel (belt)/ spiky ball to help after those long hours sat at desks. We then worked on more foot conditioning, as Jenny emphasised the importance of foot stability in our running. Dave then led some drills, and a quick relay game to finish the session.
Then onto the second run of the day, a little shorter at 30/40 minutes, but the same easy conversational pace.
Dinner was followed by another one of Disco Dave’s quizzes where team Hole in One were winners despite a member having a cheeky nap!
Tomorrow is another fun filled training day, Bring It On!