Race Report 7th May 2024

May 07, 2024

Team Blizard Race Report

It may be a day later than usual due to the Bank Holiday and it might be a little shorter than usual due to how busy you have all been recently and the facts many of you are recovering from the marathon but it is still jam packed with action!
Kicking off this report we bring you action from the Scottish Road 5k Championships held on Friday evening up in Edinburgh where the Fearn family were once again in action.
Local boy Freddie Fearn had a fine run and  just missed his best ever time by 1 second ( more sprint training required! ) and this was backed up by another personal best over the 5k distance for Alice Fearn who took a chunk off her best time she only ran 7 days earlier!
Moving to a slightly different race saw coached athlete Seth Kirby travel all the way to Berlin to run in a race where he performed very well, so well that in fact he was pulled it for a “dope test” picked randomly…..side note it is a good job they don’t test for sugar content after watching him smash the puddings in Portugal!
Monday saw loyal support of the clinic Vivianne Fraser ran her mile race as tribute to the 70 year anniversary of Sir Roger Bannister running the very first sub 4 minute mile with her excellent effort.
The longer races continued over the weekend and the next race to report from was the Belfast marathon where Laith Flanagan ran superbly to go under 3.00hrs for the very first time stopping the clock in an excellent 2.58hrs taking a massive 28 minutes off his previous best time.
However this week’s “Run of the Week” goes to Mark Plant who many of us thought was crazy while in Portugal getting up earlier than everyone else to do extra miles but all that training paid off as at the weekend Mark only went and won the Steel City 60 mile ultra race!! Well done that man and enjoy a week off in Dubai to recover.
Many thanks to all those who sent in their results and may this great set of results continue.
Until next week……keep training!



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