Race Report 5th September 2022

Sep 06, 2022
This week’s race report takes up where last week’s left off with a fantastic set of results over a variety of distances.
The first race to mention where we had several athletes running is in the Leeds Country Way Relay where athletes ran as pair’s both on and off road.
There are too many people to mention but it is safe to say a great fun day was had by all with many athletes using it as part of their long run with marathons just around the corner.
A new local race in the Rother  Valley 20 miler provided a perfect long test out for several runners and there were fine runs had by Dan Smith ahead of his marathon debut at London and our very own regular training partner Sarah Lowery.
The race was supported by a shorter 10k and fresh from his Ultra performance Chris Keeler got the legs spinning over a much easier loop than he chose for his Ultra!
The ever popular/fast Wilne 10k once again allowed for some fast times and the notable performances came firstly from the ever improving Sam Gilliver, while Clowne’s Peter Twigg continued his fine vein of form coming home a little way behind North Derbyshire’s John Sanderson in his first proper race for a while.
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However, “Run of the week” this week goes to a coached athlete who just continues to improve and improve in Scarboro runner Rome Doisneau who finished 2nd place overall in the Tholthorpe 10k taking a huge 2 minutes off his previous time on the same course.
May be an image of 2 people, people standing, outdoors and text that says 'LK EVEN'
Keep the great results coming in and a big weekend of half marathon to look forward to in next weeks report and until then……..keep training!



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