Long run day
Feb 19, 2022
Those doing spring marathons were up early ready to tackle their long runs. After a dynamic warm up, we headed out on the off-road loop, back past the hotel and then out and back along the promenade to make 2 hours. Those with a little more on the plan added extra. Kick off was 7am, the earliest start we have had. The advantage of this was that we could be back in time for a breakfast.
Our bike outriders were needed today to supply water and tunes.
It was so early that we don’t have any photographs.
The final talk of the week was by Jenny about injuries and avoiding them. The content was excellent.
Jenny left us with.......
Then it was out for lunch and the start of the last day celebrations.
It was best dresses and jackets for the final evening. The red carpet was laid and the stars gathered in the usual corner. The Awards Ceremony took place at 6:45pm prompt, with this year’s categories being fiercely competitive. Everyones talents were recognised, including the “best belly” and “best silly golfer”.
Then it was off to a local restaurant for our final dinner together. Good food, great wine, excellent music and fabulous friends.
What a fantastic night!