Friday - Focus on the Track

Feb 17, 2023

After another peaceful nights sleep and wholesome breakfast we were all primed and ready for the track session. There are not many hotels that have an athletics track within the grounds!

The first part of our preparation was the Blizard Run Club Dynamic warm up followed by drills. Then a few spins of the track to finish off the warm up. Dave grouped everyone in to smaller groups who were running either 400m’s or 1km’s at paces he set. The object was to work together, taking turns at the front but keeping the pace consistent. Team work! What a great spectacle watching the groups working hard, but for and with each other! An awesome session!
This one session reflected the spirit of the camp. Celebrate and support each other!


After track we headed for a well earned lunch and some free time.

The afternoon practical session was a repeat of the hurdles movement skills, and active skipping warm up. This time around we are more mobile and more movement efficient. Jenny was a very happy coach! 

Our optional second run of the day, for 30 minutes was again over the Orange grove and equestrian centre  or an out and back along Kenya Road

Another awesome day draws to a close with our Debrief and next day planning meeting. The Long run is the main event tomorrow! Bring it on!

Dinner, Free-time, evening hotel entertainment. The Grace family are limbering up ready to take on any challenges for their crown. 



Master Running Success The Blizard Way Free Mini Program